The project Birds was developed in the ornithological station Rybatschi / Rositten on the Russian part of the Curonian Spit. For over 100 years, the research has been carried out at this lplace, the methods remained the same, the dimension of insights and the knowledge production have changed, pure statistics is now the basis and the evidence of a permanently changing environment.
The basic idea of the project is to explore the interaction and the influence of human being on the environment. On the one hand the invisible but constant change of the bird migration because of the climate shift and on the other hand the direct contact with the creature is examined in the series of photographs.
Through the scientific empirical process and the objectification of birds through various methods and tools to catch, name, measure and investigate them, to generate information data, the relationship with non-human beings is defined. Though, I place myself in the process of scientific research by being the last one who photograph the birds and release them.
The representation of the tactile contact between birds and human hands and the difference of corporal dimensions mediate experience of the bird's vulnerability and the simultaneous power of human being over the non-human creature.
The project Birds was developed in the ornithological station Rybatschi / Rositten on the Russian part of the Curonian Spit. For over 100 years, the research has been carried out at this lplace, the methods remained the same, the dimension of insights and the knowledge production have changed, pure statistics is now the basis and the evidence of a permanently changing environment.
The basic idea of the project is to explore the interaction and the influence of human being on the environment. On the one hand the invisible but constant change of the bird migration because of the climate shift and on the other hand the direct contact with the creature is examined in the series of photographs.
Through the scientific empirical process and the objectification of birds through various methods and tools to catch, name, measure and investigate them, to generate information data, the relationship with non-human beings is defined. Though, I place myself in the process of scientific research by being the last one who photograph the birds and release them.
The representation of the tactile contact between birds and human hands and the difference of corporal dimensions mediate experience of the bird's vulnerability and the simultaneous power of human being over the non-human creature.